Leaders in Fantom software expertise
No-one knows more about Fantom development than we do.
(Well okay, maybe some folks at SkyFoundry do!?)

We support Open Source Software
The F4 IDE was originally developed by Xored Software, Inc. in 2011. To support the Fantom Community we have since taken over the mantle of support and maintenance updates for this essential tool.
Visit the Releases tab on the GitHub homepage for the latest downloads.
Whether you program for business or for fun, there is a Fantom Factory library for you.
On the serious side, Steve has written database drivers, HTTP servers, language parsers, and everything else in between. On the fun side, think quadcopters, gamepads, voice recognition, and more!
Visit Fantom Factory on GitHub for details - there are just too many to list here!
To enhance the Fantom community, Steve created the Eggbox pod repository - in Fantom, of course!
Fantom Factory continue to sponsor and maintain this official repository of Fantom pods, where anyone can upload and distribute their open-source Fantom libraries.
Visit the Eggbox pod repository for details.
Our Fantom website portfolio
Our very own Steve Eynon enjoys giving public talks, creating tutorial videos and answering numerous forum posts all about Fantom.
Perhaps you didn't know that Steve is also responsible for creating these incredible websites - all in Fantom too!?

Community website all about Fantom.
The official pod repository for Fantom.
Escape the Mainframe
A browser game rendered in stunning retro 3D vector graphics, written in Fantom.
Alpha Colony eLearning
The Fantom Factory training site.
The StackHub website is developed and maintained with special thanks to Fantom Factory.
Sonrai IAQ
The Intelligent Air Quality monitoring application by DLR Group is developed with Fantom Factory.
Why not visit our video channel?

Steve's Fantom playground
Discover a wealth of Steve's personal software programming projects. Uncover games, stories and software resources, all part of Steve's own Fantom journey.

Like what you see? Let us know!